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About ZIMIX Festival 2021 - MKC EVENTS

About ZIMIX Festival 2021

A festive weekend in Renens from Saturday 2 to Sunday 3 October under the sign of the openness and diversity that Switzerland embodies. Jazz and Afro music in the spotlight!

Dear readers,

With the relaxations and test measures announced this summer by the Federal Council for public events, MKC EVENTS has taken the initiative with its partners to offer you this autumn a unique and innovative music festival in Switzerland: the ZIMIX Festival.

It is the perfect opportunity to make up for the lack of social ties that confinement has taken from us, and to enjoy this newfound freedom, while respecting hygiene measures. Through one or two evenings of sharing and entertainment, you can renew and strengthen ties with friends, family and even colleagues, while enjoying original and culturally rich music.

One of the aims of this festival is to promote cultural diversity and to discover or (re)discover newstyles and genres of music not seen in Switzerland.

See you on 02 and 03 October at the Salle de spectacles in Renens!

Mario MOMO


The world of culture and entertainment has been at a standstill for several months. With the ban on major events, cultural offerings and all cultural actors are severely impacted. As a result, the players in the cultural sector have to innovate in order to ensure their future more serenely. With the relaxations and test measures announced this summer by the Federal Council for public events, MKC EVENTS has taken the initiative with its partners to propose this autumn a unique and innovative music festival in Switzerland: the ZIMIX Festival 2021

The ZIMIX Festival 2021 is a multicultural and intergenerational contemporary music event that will take place this autumn from 2 to 3 October in the heart of western Lausanne in the legendary Renens concert hall. It offers an artistic stage on which live music, dance and comedy artists will perform to the delight of the Swiss public.

The project is in keeping with the tradition of openness and diversity embodied by Switzerland and particularly the western part of Lausanne, in order to create bridges between fans of Afromusic and Jazz. It is the continuation of the successful concerts organised by MKC EVENTS for several years.

The ZIMIX Festival is the place to be in the autumn of 2021 to celebrate live music with the Swiss public, all the local cultural players, emerging talents and established artists from Switzerland and abroad. It will also give Swiss brands the opportunity to be close to their audience.


The main mission of the ZIMIX Festival 2021 is to promote contemporary Afro and Jazz music with artists of diverse origins, through a quality event open to all audiences.


The main values put forward in the ZIMIX Festival are: discovery, accessibility, sharing and environmental responsibility.

Two days and two styles of music

Saturday - Africa Day

Saturday will focus on AFRO music with two music concerts with African artists and an afterparty mix with a famous world music DJ

Sunday - SWISS DAY

Sunday will focus on JAZZ music and will feature three concerts with Swiss artists from the French and German language regions.


On Saturday 02 October, theZIMIX Festival offers an African evening with Afro concerts and on Sunday 03 October, a Swiss evening with Jazz concerts.

The artists

The artists are among the main actors of the ZIMIX Festival. The Festival’s artistic scene will bring together and produce on the main stage of the auditorium emerging Swiss talents with well-known Swiss and international music stars. This fusion between emerging talent and established artists will create opportunities for collaboration between them and to celebrate the richness of music from here and elsewhere with the audience.

Public cible

The festival is aimed at Swiss fans of jazz and Afro music, which is on the rise worldwide.

Whether you are Africans born or expatriates in Europe, Europeans, mestizos or a company, you will come together to live a warm moment to rediscover and share cultural wealth and of course moments of joy.

Health measures COVID

MKC EVENTS shows solidarity and plays the collective immunity card by applying the federal directives which require events to operate with a valid COVID CERTIFICATE according to the rules in force laid down by the FOPH.

For your comfort and safety, you can only enter the festival grounds with a COVID CERTIFICATE. This is not a choice of the ZIMIX Festival but an obligation. The certificate is compulsory from the age of 16. It implies constraints, but allows the public to drop the mask, to move freely without restriction and to consume food and drink freely.


A Festival that embodies musical diversity

The ZIMIX Festival promotes music genres that are less represented in Switzerland as well as other world music. The aim is to seduce an audience with a combination of jazz, Afro pop and Afro beat music. With the large stage in Renens, ZIMIX will stand out by welcoming internationally renowned artists and thus attracting a large and varied audience.

A Festival in the heart of Renens

Located in the heart of western Lausanne and at the centre of a major road and public transport hub, Renens is a very cosmopolitan city with more than one hundred nationalities represented, coming from the five continents. Thus, music is an excellent way to promote the cultures present and to encourage the spirit of living together.

The Festival would not be possible without the unconditional support of the city of Renens, the Canton, the partners, the volunteers and the coordination team of MKC Events.

An event that brings together local cultural players

The main focus of the ZIMIX Festival is on the involvement of cultural actors from the canton of Vaud and the French-speaking part of Switzerland. Indeed, given the economic impact that the global pandemic has had on the cultural sector, it is important that the Festival be an opportunity to reorient these actors.

Easy access to the Festival

In order to allow spectators to access the venue quickly, the access control at the door is managed by an E-ticket solution from our partner Weezevent.

The site is very easy to access, whether on foot, by public transport (train or bus) with a bus stop in front of the hall, or by car. A parking area is available around the hall for people coming by car

Music contributes to wellbeing

Music, humour and art stir the hearts, harmonise cultures, break through cultural barriers and encourage diversity and the spirit of living together. Even more so in the current context where culture has to play a key role as a connector in our society.

A Covid Friendly event

The ZMIX Festival makes it possible to gather a public while taking into account all the sanitary measures in force. In this way, a close but secure link between cultural actors, artists and the public will again be possible.

Sustainable development

Setting up an event generates an impact on the environment and minimising this impact is a priority for the ZIMIX Festival. The Festival will seek to reduce its ecological footprint and to preserve as much as possible the magnificent site in which it takes place, through a true eco-responsible symbol. This will be translated on the ground by the following first measures:

  • Introduction of returnable and reusable cups
  • Installation of a waste collection centre that separates the different types of waste for better sorting.
  • Encourage and encourage artists and the public to come to Lausanne and Renens by rail. Because on the Paris – Lausanne train route, a passenger emits 20 times less CO2 per journey than by plane and 19 times less than by car.

Throughout the life of the ZIMIX Festival, we will seek to improve and expand these measures for better environmental and social responsibility.

Our partners

Many of them have trusted us, agreed to support us and to contribute to the development of the first edition of the ZIMIX Festival 2021. We present them to you here!

Contact & press


ZIMIX Festival

The Afro & Jazz music festival in the heart of western Lausanne

E: zimixfestival[at]mkcevents.ch
W: mkcevents.ch/a-propos-zimix-festival-2021/

General coordination
Mario MOMO : mario[at]mkcevents.ch



Contact média

For all media relations, please contact us:

Rosalba DROSI : presse[at]mkcevents.ch

Organised by