
MKC SOCIAL is a non-profit association, which aims to promote diversity and the spirit of living together between the different communities present in Switzerland through projects. MKC SOCIAL promotes the rapprochement between Swiss and African culture for a better cultural and educational integration. In parallel to its actions, MKC SOCIAL acts as a support to MKC EVENTS which works in the organisation of cultural events.


As a philanthropist, we bring different cultures together!


MKC SOCIAL wishes to position itself as a foundation under private law recognised for the presentation of projects of public interest.


  • Offer a better vision of African culture to the Swiss public (culinary tastings as well as promotion of fashion, tourism, crafts and history)
  • Promotion of the next generation of visual art
  • Encourage entrepreneurship among African youth
  • Promote and facilitate access to training and the professional world to the African community
  • Develop and promote the culture of mutual aid within the African community
  • Support local associations as well as social & educational organizations in Africa


To become a member of the association and support our activities: social@mkcevents.ch

All donations are welcome!

IBAN: CH10 0900 0000 1472 7981 9

Your support shows your interest in our activities and we thank you in advance.


Brice AKONO: Chargée du personnel

Emma FONTANA: Chargée communication

Charlène NOUBOUSSI: Assistante chef de projet

Alain SOBZE: Chargée logistique des projets

Stéphanie GUILLUY: Secrétaire & Chargée services

Alfred WANDJA: Chargée sécurité

Eric TSAFACK: Chargé transports et hébergements

Sophie DUPERREX: Chargée Backstage & Catering

François NGUIEGANG: Chargé passage des artistes

Aurélien NGINTEBA: Chargée boissons et bar

Cédric BEBENE: Chargée aménagement

Fallone MOMO: Chargé Marketing

Xavier & Léa: Equipe services

Silver KAMENI: Supports de communication

Renaud DOBECK: Chargée des images

Salomé ROSSIRE: Chargée contrôle des accès

Gaëlle MBANI & Cynthia MENDOMO: Chargée accueil

Martial AYISSI & Charles: Team sécurité

Mario MOMO: Président & Coordinateur projet

MKC SOCIAL presentation sheet